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ISTE Standards

Artifact Alignment:

1. Learner

(a) "Set professional learning goals to explore and apply pedagogical approaches made possible by technology and reflect on their effectiveness." 


​*Digital Resource Kit (a): In the past when I taught research units I felt overwhelmed with the idea of students researching online because there is so much out there. I have also gotten frustrated with students because they had a large amount of work time and had gotten nothing done. So I made a goal to try and make my research units more efficient while still using online resources. With the help of our district tech. integration specialist I created 'digital resource kits for my 4th grade continent research unit. These ‘digital resource kits’ have greatly improved my teaching practices around student research.


(c) "Stay current with research that supports improved student learning outcomes, including findings from the learning sciences."


*Practicum Reflective Essay (c)This essay outlines my practicum experience and creation of my technology rich instructional project. It details what I learned while planning and implementing a technology rich unit for my fourth grade students. It also references two educators that I look up to within my district and within my specialization in ELD; Amy Fast, high school administrator and author, and Susana Dutro, EL Achieve founder. 


(b) "Pursue professional interests by creating and actively participating in local and global learning networks."


*Tech. Integration Specialist Observation Notes (b): Having a district technology integration specialist observe a lesson and give feedback allowed me to reflect on the use of technology in that lesson and in future lessons involving the use of technology. This is just one example of how I have collaborated with Melissa Parker (tech. integration specialist). Through our collaboration her and I both learned about new technology tools and resources that we can now share with other colleagues.


2. Leader 

(b) "Advocate for equitable access to educational technology, digital content and learning opportunities to meet diverse needs of all students."     

(c) "Model for colleagues the identification, exploration, evaluation, curation, and adoption of new digital resources and tools for learning."


*Essay #1 - Digital Divide (b&c)Bridging the digital divide is more complicated than providing technology for students. Providing equity takes the consideration of every aspect of a student's development, and using technology to foster that growth. 


*Essay #2: - Segregation in Public Education (b)In order to fully understand the depth of the digital divide, one must first have some background information about segregation in public education.


*Essay #3: - Data Mining in Education (c)Data mining is an important and controversial issue in education. Information about students has never been easier to access which is a scary thought for many parents and educators. However, we must be informed about the pros and cons in order to make data mining work with teaching and learning and not against teaching and learning.


3. Citizen

(c) "Mentor students in the safe, legal, and ethical practices with digital tools and the protection of intellectual rights and property."


*Citing Sources Lesson Plan (c): Because these students are only in the 4th grade, I do not expect them to formally cite their sources. However, I do expect them to show where their sources came from. As soon as students start researching they should understand that one must give credit to those who they got the information and pictures from. They should also start to understand that providing sources helps a viewer to find more information if they are interested in learning more. 


(b) "Establish a learning culture that promotes curiosity and critical examination of online resources and fosters digital literacy and media fluency."     


*Google Slide Presentation Example (b): The presentations that students have created after conducting research will be shared with their peers. These students are using technology to expand their knowledge of the World and then share that new knowledge with their peers using a digital format.


(a) "Create experiences for learners to make positive, socially responsible contributions and exhibit empathetic behavior online that build relationships and community."   


*Peer Feedback Rubric (a)This rubric is used by the students that are the audience for their peer's presentation. They then use the rubric to guide them in giving the presenter feedback, ideally something they did well and something that they can improve on. The rubric requires students to be active listeners and evaluate the presentation. My hope is that this practice will foster active listening in other settings, as well as cause students to reflect on their own presentations while evaluating others.


4. Collaborator

(a) "Dedicate planning time to collaborate with colleagues to create authentic learning experiences that leverage technology."

(c) "Use collaborative tools to expand students' authentic, real-world learning experiences by engaging virtually with experts, teams and students, locally and globally."


*ELD Digital Resource Website (a&c): I have created a Wix website designed to organize the digital resources that my colleague and I use with the ELD units that we teach. The website includes resources built by my colleague or myself, as well as, resources like YouTube videos that others have create.


(d) "Demonstrate cultural competency when communicating with students, parents and colleagues and interact with them as co-collaborators in student learning."


*Int. ELL Student 'Snapshot' (a&d)I created a 'flyer' that shows a simple synopsis of the abilities of an average ELL at the intermediate language proficiency level. My intention was to create an easy way for classroom teachers to know what they might expect from an intermediate ELL and what they can work on in order to move to the next proficiency level. I started with the intermediate level because the majority of our ELLs are at that level and it is the level that typically takes students longer to move through. The idea is to create a flyer for each language level so that classroom teachers have a quick reference to use that will help them to better understand their ELL students. Knowing that classroom teachers have zero extra time in their day, I wanted to create a simple way to help them support their ELLs.


*Peer Feedback Rubric (c&d)I have shared this rubric with colleagues for them to use for the audience when students are giving presentations. The rubric is also posted on the resource website that I made for my colleague and myself to organize our digital resources. This rubric is used by the students that are the audience for their peer's presentation. They then use the rubric to guide them in giving the presenter feedback, ideally something they did well and something that they can improve on. The rubric requires students to be active listeners and evaluate the presentation. My hope is that this practice will foster active listening in other settings, as well as cause students to reflect on their own presentations while evaluating others.

5. Designer

(a) Use technology to create, adapt, and personalize learning and accommodate learner differences and needs." 

(b) "Design authentic learning activities that align with content area standards and use digital tools and resources to maximize active, deep learning."

(c) "Explore and apply instructional design principles to create innovative digital learning environments that engage and support learning."


*Geography Unit Scope and Sequence (b&c)During my practicum experience I took a unit from one of the curriculums available to ELD teachers in my district and expanded on it using technology. Using a unit from district curriculum helps to ensure that I am teaching ELP standards while integrating technology.


*Quizlet - geography word set (a&b): Using the website I create a word list that is directly aligned with the vocabulary for the geography unit that I teach to fourth grade students. 


*ThingLink Images (a&b): Using the website I have created multiple interactive images. Two of the images were created to use when practicing past tense verbs. The other image is used for a unit about how living things grow and change that I teach to first grade students. It is an image of the lifecycle of a chicken with a link at each developmental stage showing more detail. 


6. Facilitator

(a) "Foster a culture where students take ownership of their learning goals and outcomes in both independent and group settings."

(b) "Manage the use of technology and student learning strategies in digital platforms, virtual environments, hands-on makerspaces or in the field." 

(d) "Model and nurture creativity and creative expression to communicate ideas, knowledge or connections."


*Quizlet Live Lesson Plan (a) is a way to turn content into games. With Quizlet Live students work in teams to answer the content questions as quickly and accurately as possible. When the game is over the website generates a list of what questions students got incorrect most frequently. These questions are then discussed as a group. There is also a discussion as to what worked well for teams and what did not, so students have a chance to evaluate how they worked within a team. 


​*Digital Resource Kit (b): Using technology for research projects with elementary students requires a lot of teacher guidance. There are a lot of resources online that are far above students’ reading levels, and many resources have so much text that students get bogged down. A colleague of mine shared the idea of a ‘digital resource kit’ where students find the resources to use for their research and pictures for students to use in their presentations. This keeps students from wasting time trying to decipher resources that are beyond their comprehension. It also keeps students from needing to do their own Google image searches. These ‘digital resource kits’ have greatly improved my teaching practices around student research.


*Presentation Rubrics (a,b,d): In order to evaluate students' projects and presentations I have created a rubric for the design of the GoogleSlide presentation and a rubric for the oral presentation of the slides. The students are given the GoogleSlide design rubric while they are compiling their slides, and given the oral presentation rubric while they practice their presentations with partners. 


*GoogleSlide Presentation Example (d)This is teaching students one way of expressing their learning. Ideally, as they move through school they will have some autonomy when sharing their learning. Giving students a closely guided assignment to create a presentation with Google Slides with provide them with the skills that they will need later if they want to express their learning in a slide presentation format.


7. Analyst

(a) "Provide alternative ways for students to demonstrate competency and reflect on their learning using technology."

(b) "Use technology to design and implement a variety of formative and summative assessments that accommodate learner needs, provide timely feedback to students and inform instruction."

(c) "Use assessment data to guide progress and communicate with students, parents and education stakeholders to build student self-direction."


*Quizlet Live Lesson Plan (b) is a way to turn content into games. With Quizlet Live students work in teams to answer the content questions as quickly and accurately as possible. When the game is over the website generates a list of what questions students got incorrect most frequently. These questions are then discussed as a group. There is also a discussion as to what worked well for teams and what did not, so students have a chance to evaluate how they worked within a team.


*Practicum Assessment Analysis (c)This analysis shows the improvements is my students' pre and post assessment scores after a geography unit. Much of the content for the unit was delivered and practiced using technological tools and resources. The analysis explains how students performed based on summative and formative assessments, and how I adapted my teaching accordingly. The formative assessments were completed using digital maps and traditional maps.


*Presentation Rubrics (b)In order to evaluate students' projects and presentations I have created a rubric for the design of the GoogleSlide presentation and a rubric for the oral presentation of the slides. The students are given the GoogleSlide design rubric while they are compiling their slides, and given the oral presentation rubric while they practice their presentations with partners. 


*Google Slide Presentation Example (a): The presentations that students have created after conducting research will be shared with their peers. These students are using technology to expand their knowledge of the World and then share that new knowledge with their peers using a digital format. 

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